Thursday, June 7, 2018

Best Quotes That's Makes You Great

the beauty of life Some time we feel that we are the best because we achieved something in our life and this type's of feeling can create our own motivation. When we feel grate we have to face some problem's and we have to proof  our self again and that's why we need best quotes for us and i have something for you that will help you to increase your confident.

                                                       So let's get started

1. There are two great days in a person's life- the day we are born  and the day we discover why.

2. I'm blessed to have so many great things in my life- family, friends and God. all will be in my thoughts daily.

3.  I'm proud of my hard work. working hard won't always lead to the exact thing we desire. there are many things I've wanted that i haven't always gotten. but, i have a great satisfaction in the blessing from my mother and father, who instilled a great work ethic in me both personally and professionally.

4. I was given such a great gift. it's a miracle that never stops amazing me and reminding me to give thanks, every day. Having a great family and best friend gives me a lot more purpose. I was much more selfish before, but now i think about what kind of role model I'll be. I just want to be a better man.

5. My father was my teacher. But more importantly he was a great dad.

6. Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place- that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, do your best and have perseverance to realize the great life.

7. Silence is a source of great strength.

8. Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.

9. Good health and good sense are two of life's gratest  blessings.

10. Love and desire are the spirit's wings to great deeds.

                                 Thank you so much........            


Monday, June 4, 2018

Make A Happy Face...

      Make A Happy Face                                        I think that happiness is everything. but someone asked me that do we need to be a happy person? So i told her no, we don't need to be a happy person because we can't make our self happy and happiness come's from inside and we can laugh.

But tell me do you want to become a happier person? follow these tips...

happy kid

1. Make Your Body Happy-

Eat real food. Move throughout the day, even if that just means standing up from your computer once an hour. Invest in a good mattress and commit yourself to practicing the sleep hygiene needed for a good night's rest.
If you make your body happy, it will make you happy. If you have a terrible diet, clean it up and start eating right. If you never exercise, commit to taking a quick walk once a day. After a few weeks, you'll see a difference in the way you think and feel.
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2. Stop Overthinking It-

Business owners consistently spend too much time wondering "what if" and feeling like the weight of the world is on their shoulders. But if you take the time to stop and put things in perspective, you'll find that these hypotheticals don't really matter that much. Inaction due to analysis paralysis is far worse than an imperfect forward action.
Take the time to let your worries go, make an educated decision, and move forward. You'll be much happier as a result.
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3. Record Your Wins Each Day-

Every day, you do something successfully--even if that something is as simple as following up on an email. Write it down. By celebrating your wins at the end of each day, you'll feel better about your work and personal life. It will also help you see your progress, instead of focusing only on the end goal.
Remember, your destination is only part of the battle. The journey you take to get there is just as important.Image result for record your wins each day  hd wallpaper

4. Say Cheese!

Smile, even if you don't feel like it. Smiling causes the brain to release serotonin, helping to elevate your mood. Watch a funny movie or call up a friend who always makes you laugh. If all else fails, just fake it. Some studies suggest that the act of smiling alone can help you feel happier.
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5. Get a Plan!

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Create fun things to look forward to and you'll never feel unhappy again. When's your next day trip, concert, or sporting event with friends on your calendar? If you don't have something planned, set it up now to give yourself something exciting on the horizon.

6.Make a habit of helping other person!

Create a goal of helping people and and do help of other person and be a super hero for those people, you helped him/her.
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And do you know ― Martin Luther King, Jr. said that-
Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve.... You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

vikram saini

vikram sainivikram saini

vikram saini

 Oh my god..some movements with your happiness.

 You don't need to be great to start But you need to start to be great.

Make Your Own Attitude

                               make your own attitude                                   

    As we all know that attitude is relay very important and we all need to create it in our life. I think we have many's way to create a positive attitude and we relay need to create it. First of all we have to take some important steps for creating it.     i have some steps for you and these steps will help you to increase your attitude.

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1. Try To Do A Life Evaluation

Image result for Try To Do A Life Evaluation hd wallpaperTake steps of where you are now and where you want to be. What’s most important to you? Everyone has goals, dreams, etc., but have you ever actually written them down and prioritized them in order of importance? Looking at physical pieces of paper and figuring out what you want most and what you actually don’t care about can be hugely helpful in figuring out how you want to tackle this year.

2. Be More Mindful And Try To Think Differently 
Image result for Be More Mindful And Try To Think Differently hd wallpaper Mindfulness helps you to live in the movement and be more accepting of the things that happen in life. It’s also been linked to less stress and anxiety, as well as better emotional well being. Improving your health will make you feel better, and becoming more aware of the world you live in will open up new avenues of thought that can spark creativity and contentment.

3. Try To Think About All The Things You Don’t Have…

Image result for Try To Think About All The Things You Don’t Have hd wallpaper like a civil war raging in your backyard, or secret police spying on your family or no access to clean water. (Hopefully you do not have any of these things.)

4. And Look at the People Around You Who Seem Happiest

Related imageLearn from those closest to you. How do they stay focused and positive? How do they accomplish so many things? What motivates them? Emulate their best qualities and you might find yourself becoming more satisfied and productive. Looking at things from a new point of view is a good way to encourage your brain to develop fresh perspective.


 5. Challenge Yourself 

Image result for Challenge Yourself hd wallpaperNothing makes people feel more boring and same-y than continuing the same old routine every day. You don’t have to challenge yourself to climb Mount Everest, but throwing something interesting and new at your routine (like learning a new language or running an obstacle course… or even doing some serious spring cleaning) is a great way to surprise yourself by seeing what you’re willing to try — and what you can actually accomplish once you give yourself the chance.

Be A Super Human.

         We have many way's to be a super human but some time we feel alone and unsatisfied  with someone's behavior that's way we gets sadness and sadness is the big issue that we can't be a super human. 

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I think everyone experiences sadness at some point or other in their lives. Studies have shown that sadness lasts longer than many other emotions because we tend to spend more time thinking about it. Ruminating, or going over our sad thoughts and feelings again and again, can lead to depression and keep you from overcoming sadness There are several things you can do to help yourself through the hard times.

Think 1. Coping With Sadness


Cry. Some studies suggest that crying may have a relaxing effect on the body by releasing endorphins, a natural “feel-good” chemical in your body. Crying may also activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body recover from stress and trauma.
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  • Don’t make yourself cry if you don’t feel like it. While popular wisdom holds that notcrying after a sadness-provoking incident is unhealthy, this is not the case. Crying because you feel obligated to may actually keep you from recovering. 
  • Several studies suggest that crying is a useful coping mechanism because it communicates pain to others. It may also encourage others to show support.[2]
  • Dr. William Frey’s idea that crying removes toxins from the body is very popular in the media. This may be true, although the amount of toxins eliminated by crying is negligible. Most tears are reabsorbed in your nasal cavity.
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Exercise. Several studies have shown that exercise releases endorphins and other chemicals that can help fight sadness.Exercise will also give you a time to focus on one specific goal. This may help distract you from focusing on your sadness.

Image result for smile hd wallpaperSmile. Several studies have shown that smiling, even when you are sad, can help you feel better.

[7]Duchenne smiles, or smiles that engage your eye muscles as well as those near your mouth, have the strongest positive effect on your mood. So if you are feeling sad, try to smile. Even if you don’t feel like it at first, it may help you feel more positive. In fact, there are 19 types of smiles that you can perform.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Be The Successful Person...

      How To Be Successful In Life...

 13 Tips From The World’s Most Successful People.

We all want to achieve success so we could live a comfortable life—have financial freedom, drive a nice car, and live in a beautiful house. However, although success can be achieved, it does not come easy.
There are a lot of tips and strategies out there on how to be successful in life, but I am still a firm believer that there is no better way to succeed than to follow that footsteps of those who have already done so. Here are 13 success tips from some of the world’s most successful and renowned people:

1.Think big.

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From Michelangelo Buonarroti, Great Renaissance Artist: “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”

2.Find what you love to do and do it.

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From Oprah Winfrey, Media Mogul: “You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job and not be paid for it.”

3. Learn how to balance life.

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From Phil Knight, CEO of Nike Inc.: “There is an immutable conflict at work in life and in business, a constant battle between peace and chaos. Neither can be mastered, but both can be influenced. How you go about that is the key to success.”

4. Do not be afraid of failure.

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From Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motors: “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

5. Have an unwavering resolution to succeed.

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From Colonel Sanders, Founder of KFC: “I made a resolve then that I was going to amount to something if I could. And no hours, nor amount of labor, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me. And I have done that ever since, and I win by it. I know.”

6. Be a man of action.

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From Leonardo da Vinci, Renaissance Genius :“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.”

7. Avoid conflicts.

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From Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of America: “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.”

8. Don’t be afraid of introducing new ideas.

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From Mark Twain, Famed Author: “A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.”  

9. Believe in your capacity to succeed.

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From Walter Disney, Founder of Walt Disney Company: “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

10. Always maintain a positive mental attitude.

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From Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of America: “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

11. Don’t let discouragement stop you from pressing on.

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From Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of America: “Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you are sure to succeed.”

12. Be willing to work hard.

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From JC Penny, Founder of JC Penney Inc.: “Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top.”

13. Be brave enough to follow your intuition.

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From Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple Inc.: “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
                                                                                   Thanks To All

Find The Best Lover...

    How to Find Real, Lasting Love Without Looking for It.

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“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” 

Often when people want a new relationship, they either look for someone to complete them or they imagine sharing their life with someone just like them. So they try to present themselves in the best possible light for their imagined future partner—either as one perfect half of a whole or as an ideal version of what they believe their future partner will want.
In my experience, finding your soul mate requires a different, far more soul-enriching approach. Here are six steps that worked for me:

1. Stop looking for your soul mate and find the missing parts of you.

This may sound counterintuitive, but it's exactly how I met my husband. I stopped looking for “the one” after a two-year relationship ended, which I had believed was the one. I decided to turn my attention inward—to get to know and accept myself , to heal past wounds, and to explore and develop new parts of myself.
Previously, I needed to be with someone in order to feel content, to have someone love me in order to feel loved. Breaking up with past boyfriends was so painful because it felt as if I was breaking up, as if I was being torn from a part of myself.
What I discovered was that I had to learn to be whole. And when I started to work on that, my life changed.
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2. Live your life as you want to live it.

When I started to discover more about myself and to follow my own path I started to live a life that was meaningful to me. I was no longer following someone else's rules and ideas about what I should do.
This can disappoint some people close to you, such as your family. But if you want to find fulfillment in your life, you have to fulfill yourself, not someone else!
And doing what is right for you means you will be in places, jobs, and near people that are aligned with your life path, and with you. So you will have a much better chance of meeting your soul mate, because your soul mate will also be connected to your life path.
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3. Stop trying to appeal to an imagined, potential partner.

A side effect of leading the life you choose is that you automatically become more attractive. You become more real, authentic, substantial, valuable, passionate, happy, and present. This makes you more beautiful in a natural and effortless way, and it will also make you attractive to your soul mate.
Whereas when you try to make yourself attractive in order to find someone, you alter the way you behave and present yourself so that if your soul mate were to show up, he or she might not even recognize you.
 So just be yourself,  whether that means you dress in corporate attire or resort wear, or casual clothing or more formal, or if your preference changes at different times.
You don’t need to be a particular weight or have large biceps or wear uncomfortable shoes if you don’t like them. Go to the gym only if you love it, do yoga if you love it, walk or surf or cycle if you enjoy those activities.
A partner who you will be with over the long term will not make a decision about your worth based on a superficial aspect of your appearance. So tap into what feels right for you, do the activities you enjoy, wear the clothes that suit you and in which you feel comfortable.
You will be far more attractive to your soul mate if you look like yourself when you meet them.
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4. If you are attracted to particular qualities in someone else, find or develop those qualities in yourself.

Most of us express only a small part of who we are. We limit ourselves to the personality—or self—we have become in response to our childhood environment. This is an unavoidable stage in our developmental process because we have to form a self—or ego—that enables us to survive and hopefully thrive in our family and social setting.
And the way we do that is by developing characteristics that meet our survival needs and pushing away any characteristics that aren’t valued or needed.
So we all have hidden or disowned parts of ourselves that at some point we need to unearth.
When we haven’t yet unearthed and embraced our disowned parts, we are drawn into relationships with others who express those parts. It is like we are unconsciously trying to complete ourselves through our relationships.
These relationships usually involve intense attraction at first and are characterized by feelings of completeness. But inevitably, they become stifled by strong relationship patterns that form where people get stuck relating to one another from one main part of themselves that bonds with its opposite in the other person. These are called “bonding patterns''
So, for example, a very responsible man might become a “responsible father” in relation to his partner's inner “pleasing daughter,” and a nurturing woman might become a “nurturing mother” to her partner's inner “needy son.”
If the woman doesn’t become conscious of her own responsibility, she will rely on her partner to be responsible. And if the man doesn’t connect with his nurturing side, he will want to be nurtured by her. But then when stresses and vulnerabilities arise in the relationship, these bonding patterns turn negative, and the partners turn on each other.
I am so grateful to have learned about bonding patterns because the awareness of them not only helps enormously in my relationship, but they also act as a guide for which parts of myself I have lost connection to.
Because bonding patterns are the natural way that we give and receive love, they are unavoidable. And no matter how conscious we become, there is always something that’s unconscious! But bonding patterns can be navigated successfully.
When you become aware that you are attracted to other people because of what you have disowned in yourself, and then work on owning those qualities in yourself, your relationships transform. I
If you are in a relationship already and you begin this process, then as you and your partner reclaim your disowned selves, you start to become more fully yourselves with each other and your relationship will become richer.
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5. Engage with life; accept the gifts that are offered to you.

The night I met my husband a friend had invited me to a party hosted by one of her friends, and at first I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go.
I was tempted to decline the invitation because I didn’t know the person whose party it was, and it was a Sunday night, so I had work the next day. But I didn’t have a compelling reason not to go and I had promised myself that I would accept the gifts life offered me, such as saying yes to invitations that seemed to come from nowhere. And this was one of those.
When I got to that party, there he was: my future husband, with whom I have had three children and twenty-five years of a wonderful life together.
Was I looking for someone when I went to that party?
No. And it was a surprise to meet him there. If I had been intentionally looking for a partner, I probably would not have even spoken to my husband that night.
When you look at each person you encounter as if you are screening them for a job with a life-long contract, it changes the organic flow of events and natural connection that forms with the people you encounter. It is also off-putting to be evaluated as a “catch” and it is likely to make people run from you!
The simplest way to stop assessing others as potential life partners is to just stop looking for a partner and connect with the people you meet with genuine interest. Then enjoy the type of relationship that naturally develops—or doesn't—whether that's a friendship, a business connection, or a bond based on a mutual interest.
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6. When you meet someone, don't hurry things; allow the relationship to unfold.

When you meet someone you have a good connection with, allow that connection to develop and grow. If the person is a soul mate, he or she will also be into you, so if you both pay genuine attention to each other then something will develop.
There is no need to play games or to try particular seduction techniques or to achieve milestones by a particular time. A successful long-term relationship is not a game.
Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone you had to manipulate into it? Do you want your partner to be enchanted by an image you have created so that you have to hide yourself in some way? Or do you want your partner to love you wholeheartedly? What kind of relationship do you want to bring children into if you end up having them?
Each relationship is unique, just as each person is unique, so how your relationship unfolds will be unique too. You can't plan for it to go a particular way. You have to engage with the process of it and with each other, and then make decisions as you go. 
There is no one line you can say, no one action you can take, that will lead to a particular result.

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Best Quotes That's Makes You Great

Some time we feel that we are the best because we achieved something in our life and this type's of feeling can create our own moti...